Ten tricks to stop boredom eating in its tracks

Stress eating and boredom eating has seen a spike in recent times. It will be a huge understatement if I say that we live in a hard to understand and difficult phase of history. The stress of a pandemic combined with isolation is hard to manage. This double whammy leads to a lot of stress eating and boredom eating, BUT why do we do that?

Why do we stress eat or boredom eat?

Right now, our outlets for stress and ways to be stimulated have dramatically decreased. Many such little stressful events throughout the day pile up, and before you know it, you have bought those two giant bags of chips. Eating your favorite treat temporarily blocks out the bundle of stresses. How? By releasing Dopamine.

Scientists are still trying to understand what this clever little chemical does, but the most current insight is that it’s crucial to the experience of motivation, drive, and achievement.

Thus when we are stressed or bored, we need stimulation to release Dopamine to feel good again. When we eat, it releases Dopamine. Go through this cycle a few times, combine it with childhood associations of being comforted with a portion of special food, and BOOM, you have a habit that is hard to break. That said, like any habit, it can be broken and overcome.

First, stop beating yourself about it and see which of these tricks can help you break the habit/

1. Become aware of your triggers for Boredom Eating

Don’t be like a robot on a predetermined program. Start paying attention to what makes you reach out for foods to eat even when you are not hungry. Don’t be judgemental about yourself. Rather, be really curious.

2. Figure out non-edible forms of stimulation instead.

Anything which is not food. Playing the piano, going for a walk, calling a friend. Read. Work on that side project for a while. Meditation.

3. Create if/then routines

Once you have identified a few triggers and a few alternate activities, start creating if/then routine. For example, if I have a craving to eat due to the stress of watching the news, then I will do a 5-minute meditation instead. The idea is to take as much decision out of the alternate activity as possible)

4. Make it difficult to snack and get rid of binge foods

Who buys the foods that you eat? Probably you do. You also know which foods you binge eat. Don’t bring such foods into the house if you do, then put them in a place difficult for you to reach.

5. Make it even easier to choose healthy behaviors

Instead of eating chips, you want to do yoga? Then chips should be more difficult for you to reach than your yoga mat. Set up a place where you can do yoga immediately. Instead of cookies, you want to drink tea? Have it placed on the counter right in front instead of the cookies. 

6. Ensure you are getting enough proteins 

One of the causes of feeling hungry all the time is inadequate amounts of protein and healthy fat in your diet. Ensure you are getting enough of both

7. Drink enough water

Many people have difficulty in distinguishing thirst from hunger. Start with setting a timer for when to drink water. Be mindful and ask yourself – will drinking water suffice, or are you really hungry?

8. Accept and acknowledge your anxiety

When you want to stop boredom eating, you will experience some anxiety. Accept it rather than saying that it should not be there. It is fine if, for a while, you are anxious and not eating. You can try mindfulness exercises to control yourself.

9. Plan your meals and create a routine.

Write out what you will eat for your meals and ensure you are getting enough calories and nutrition. Get really specific. Once again, this is to take decision making out of the equation. If you have to wonder what you will eat, you will probably reach out for something unhealthy.

10. Get an accountability buddy.

Having someone ask you or tell someone that you indulged, can be a powerful motivator in preventing boredom eating. Pair up with a friend, family member, or colleague and see the results.

Bonus: Practice self-compassion. Like I said initially, don’t beat yourself up if you slip; just get right back on track. Release perfectionism and embrace excellence. 

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