August 2022

Use the rollercoaster story to explain CBT to children.

Use the rollercoaster story to explain CBT to children.

The idea that our thoughts have an impact on our emotions and behaviors is the foundation of CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy). One core tenet of CBT is that unpleasant feelings are greatly influenced by our thoughts about a situation rather than the situation itself. CBT is very effective for children with anxiety.  As beneficial as […]

Use the rollercoaster story to explain CBT to children. Read More »

Helpful Thoughts Game: Introducing CBT to your children

Helpful Thoughts Game: Introducing CBT to your children

Clients who have benefited from CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) often ask me how they can introduce CBT techniques to their children.  Indeed if children become aware that thoughts influence their emotions and behaviors and can manage their thought patterns, it can help them greatly. Especially if they can be taught how a particular way of

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