20 Tips to Try Something New Without Going Nuts

The only way to change your life is to try something new.

“New habits are hard to form, but once formed, they become easy to maintain.”

Charles Duhigg.

It may sound obvious, but in our busy world, many of us do have the opportunity to try new things, but we don’t. Yet, this is a crucial step toward personal growth. If you want to experience a different life, you need to make an effort to change the habits that limit you. In other words, you have to try something new. So, whether it’s trying a different exercise routine, joining a new group/club, or even changing your wardrobe, when you feel the urge to get creative, don’t fall victim to the pressure that comes with wanting to try something new—you’ll end up feeling miserable instead of excited! These are 20 tips to get you started. I have tried to organize them a bit but feel free to cherry-pick what you think will work for you.

9 Reasons to try something new 

Most individuals are put off by the prospect of doing something they’ve never done before. So when you’re feeling nervous about doing anything new, remember your “why” and remind yourself of these positive reasons. 

1. You’ll Discover What You’re Truly Capable of

How can you tell if you don’t try? When you start experimenting and attempting new things, you’ll discover things about yourself that you didn’t know before. For example, you could have a hidden ability or a secret passion that can be developed into something significant.

2. You Find New Company and Stop Being Lonely

Trying anything new teaches you that it has been done many times before. Finding those who are doing the same things as you stops you from being and feeling alone, and additionally, you may seek support and assistance from others.

3. One New Thing Leads to Many

When you master a new skill, you feel motivated to try more things. You could start simple, like learning to keep a morning routine, and before you know it, you’re attempting to learn a new instrument or master a new language.

4. Celebrating Wins

Putting yourself out there to try new things is all the more satisfying when you strike the jackpot. Sure, it takes a lot of trial and error, but it’s well worth it to be able to celebrate your great wins. And, do celebrate your wins. Big or small, they are all great!

5. Procrastination Excuses will Reduce.

An excuse is a convenient way out. It’s an avoidant coping strategy to justify procrastination. When it came to trying anything new in the past, you could have responded something like, “No, I’ll do that next week/month/year.” However, when you begin to attempt new activities, you’ll feel less tempted to make excuses. 

6. Your Self-Control grows

It’s a contradiction because you lose control in certain ways when you try new things. Trying anything new puts you in a vulnerable position since you never know what will happen, and you never have complete control over the situation. At the same time, relinquishing control teaches you how to control/change the things you do have control over and to TOLERATE things you do not have any control over.

7. Opportunities for Learning

Trying new things equals learning new things. There are a plethora of possibilities out there just waiting to be explored!

8. You’ll be a Role Model for Someone.

People learn by observing other people. When you try new things, you could be a role model for someone. Somebody’s hero. This is a feeling that is better experienced than described. Put yourself out there and show people how it’s done if you want to be a role model for someone!

9. Humility is an additional bonus.

You try something new and fall flat on your face; that can be disappointing, but you gain a feeling of humility on the plus side. A humble perspective improves our cognitive, interpersonal, and decision-making abilities significantly. In addition, humility can help you cope with anxiety, have more self-control, and have stronger relationships.

4 Benefits of trying something new

The advantages of trying something new continue to greater benefits 

1. Newness is a source of growth.

Crazy things happen when you go out of your comfort zone and into the wilderness of the unknown. You develop as a person as you learn and grow. It may not always be pleasant or straightforward. Still, it will surely broaden your horizons and make you aware of life’s possibilities – whether that is something as complex as your personality or as specific as picking up a pair of rollerblades.

2. Boost Your Courage

The ability to accomplish something that scares you is characterized as courage. It’s natural to be apprehensive about attempting anything new! Trying something new will enhance your courage and give you the confidence you need to take on new challenges in the future. 

3. Get Rid of Boredom in Your Life

Most individuals dislike being bored. You may like quiet time or leisure breaks, but being bored is quite another matter. The good news is that it’s challenging to remain bored when your life is continuously being spiced up with new adventures and events. So try something new the next time you feel a twinge of tedium tugging at you. You’ll be pleased with how soon you’ll be able to get rid of the drab feeling!

4. Not only try but also have fun.

Trying something new does not imply doing a brief trial and then abandoning the journey. Trying anything new is an adventure in and of itself, and it should be enjoyed. Some things are a toss-up. You may not appreciate everything you try, but you will discover some activities, people, or hobbies you had no idea you might enjoy.

7 exciting new things to try right away

Here are seven everyday activities which you can start right away. All of them are quickly started. The key is to try doing something new rather than doing it perfectly. So don’t overthink. Follow the KISS method – Keep It Simple and Stupid. I am sure at least one of them appeals to you. 

  1. Blogging
  2. Cooking
  3. Dance lessons
  4. Vegetable Gardening 
  5. Walking, Hiking, or Treks
  6. Learning a new 
  7. Meditation

Bonus: 6 Principles for Developing Healthy Habits

Creating habits out of something new that you have tried is also a skill you can develop. Here are six tips that will help you with creating habits

  1. Establish goals first: Your actions will become habitual as you work toward those goals.
  2. Be consistent: Perform the intended behavior in the same context, simultaneously, and so forth.
  3. Repetition: Repetition is essential since it increases abilities while decreasing effort.
  4. Disrupt automaticity: Paying attention to signs that activate poor behaviors is an example of automaticity.
  5. Use reinforcements: Reward good behaviors and modify reinforcements as necessary.
  6. Be patient: Concentrate on developing one new habit at a time. It takes time to change.


Trying something new is a sure-fire way to start changing your life, whether it is being stuck in a rut, fear, anxiety, or boredom. Do comment if you want to try something new or have tried something new for the first time.  If you want to discuss something personal I would like to invite you for a virtual coffee.

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